
When we left home in September 2001 it was to go and see the  annual natural phenomenon of the flowers in the Kalahari Desert on the West Coast of South Africa.

viewfromthetopofvanrhynspassView from the top of Van Rhyns Pass

That area of the country receives its annual rains in Winter, June – July. The seeds which have been underground during the dry season immediately start germinating and by August and September they have grown to full size and the flowers come into bloom. If it has been a year of good rainfall, the flowers come up in abundance.

Fortunately for us the rains of 2001 had been particularly good and as we drove over the Van Rhyn’s Pass flowers of every shape, colour and size greeted us in field after field. As we drove on toward Langebaan we stopeed in Clanwilliam and visited the flower garden where e could have spent hours. It was one of the most exquisite sights I have ever seen. It is impossible to describe in words so I have added a number of photos so that you get just a minute idea of what can be seen. Hopefully it will give you a taste of what beauty a desert in Southern Africa can produce and maybe even entice you to visit.

afieldofyellowA gorgeous field of yellow

AtortoiseamongthedaisiesA tortoise in amongst the daisies

ClanwilliamGardensbelowthemountainFlowers in the Clamwillian Flower Gardens

FlowersappearbetweentherocksFlowers just grow up between the rocks

VickyamongthepinksVicky sitting among the Pinks

VickyatClanwilliamVicky in the flowers at Clanwilliam


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