After the 2 nights in Venice, we began a journey of train rides across Italy to get back to Rome to board our second cruise which was to take us to the Greek Isles.

On arrival in Zagreb, we had about 3 hours before dinner so went for a walk around the area near our hotel.

Today I will write about the next leg of our journey, leaving the Scandinavian states after a wonderful 2 weeks.
Now we were on our own. No more tour operator organised bookings for accommodation or travel. The official end to the arranged tour.

Today is Day 25 of the 30-Day Blogging Challenge and I have to decide on what to do for my last 6 blogs to complete the challenge. The first 24 told of our experiences of 2010 when we went to the Oberammegau Passion Play with a group of people from…

Time to keep my promise of 2 days ago and tell you of a mishap with the train in Geneva.

For Day 16 of the 30-Day Challenge I am writing about one of our best experiences on any holiday.

I thought that I would discuss forms of transport in the countries one is visiting.

As I have mentioned in a few of my articles, planning and preparation are so vital for when one has to travel, especially as we get older and I have been keeping you up to date with how we are planning for our trip to see the Northern Lights and other…

Time is going too slowly but also very quickly. Suddenly it is just 4+ months to departure date and there is plenty to do and plenty to pay!