Today, the final day of our holiday, we visited the Seville Cathedral and the Jewish District of Seville.
Our 5 weeks of holiday was almost over. We had just 2 more days in Seville before we left to return home.
Today we disembarked from our cruise ship for the last time but were not returning home immediately but spending 3 days in Seville.
We docked in Tangier, Morocco but the 2 of us had to stay on board as we didn't have a visa. We were disappointed to learn that we had passed Gibraltar during the night.
After the less than exciting day in Alicante, through no fault of our own, we sailed southwards overnight to the port of Almeria.
From Barcelona we sailed south to the city of Alicante where, sadly, we had our most disappointing excursion.
We left France and travelled on to the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain. The last country we would visit on this trip, with stops in 4 cities and Tangier in Morocco.
We sailed out of Monaco at 21:00 to our second and final stop in France, Marseilles in Provence.
Our first stop in France was the City-State of Monaco.
Our excursion for this day sounded quite exotic, a cruise on the Italian Riviera or Riviera di Levante.
Travel Tips
I cannot believe that it is more than half way through the month of May! That means it is 7 months to the day before we leave on this wonderful trip.

Assisted travel is not only for people with walking difficulties and it costs nothing.

At the end of my last blog I mentioned that we have already decided on our next trip which starts with travelling to the northern tip of Norway to the town of Tromsø to witness the incredible natural phenomenon known as the Aurora Borealis or the Northern Lights.

As mentioned briefly in my last blog about travel and medication, the 2 of us are planning an absolutely super long holiday from mid-August to mid-November, 97 days from start to finish. The planning for this holiday is significantly more complicated and more work but we know that it will…

We have decided!! We are off to see the Northern Lights, The Aurora in December 2015. Time to start the preparations. That’s right, there is a lot to do and pay!

As we get older our medicine kits start to take up more and more space in our luggage. We know we are not as fit as we used to be and are more susceptible to injury and illness. There is nothing worse than getting sick or running out of your…

Time is going too slowly but also very quickly. Suddenly it is just 4+ months to departure date and there is plenty to do and plenty to pay!

This article is written from the perspective of a South African traveller but has much information which may affect travellers around the world.

As I have mentioned in a few of my articles, planning and preparation are so vital for when one has to travel, especially as we get older and I have been keeping you up to date with how we are planning for our trip to see the Northern Lights and other…

It has been a while since I wrote on the preparations for our trip to the Northern Lights and that is mainly because we are in the quiet period of preparation.

There is no question that there are some definite dos and don’ts for travellers and a few more of each for Senior Citizens. I have prepared some ideas in the table below but would appreciate any that you, the reader and traveller has to share.
The more we have travelled over the last 20+ years, the use of digital gadgets has increased dramatically.

Once again we, ourselves, are planning a wonderful trip and I shall keep my readers up to date on how the preparation is going, but more of that later.

When the idea of doing a really big trip was first mooted it sounded like fun and seemed easy as the ships and planes would take us to most places. A year later it is still fun but plenty of work, most importantly, applying for and receiving visas for every…

Time to keep my promise of 2 days ago and tell you of a mishap with the train in Geneva.

At the end of my last article I said that we would now spend time looking at the places we plan to visit and decide on what we want to see out of all the wonderful things which can be seen. I have downloaded information on Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Tromsø…
Having mentioned to Teresa Smith that I had already contacted a travel company in Norway she suggested that I hold off going ahead and booking that tour without looking at other possiblities.
As I said in the article, ‘The last few days’, in this, the final article about our first trip overseas, I detail some of what we learned, both helpful and what we could, and should, have done better.

As I begin this blog we have reached the countdown and today signifies we have just 117 days to ‘lift-off’ from King Shaka Airport to Lisbon, Portugal. 117 days may seem like plenty of time but, according to my Planning Page, there is still so much to be done.

I thought that I would discuss forms of transport in the countries one is visiting.