Caracul catches meat

One of the being abused best days we had while in Gobabis the 2nd time we were there was a visit to Harnas Wildlife Foundation.

This sanctuary had been developed by Tannie Marietjie van Der Merwe who bought a baby baboon from people selling it on side of road. She saved it and decided to help animals by setting up a sanctuary. Over the years it grew and now has a large number of animals being rehabilitated. Her daughter and husband, who used to work with her, now run Naankuse, also a sanctuary, in Windhoek.

It was a most interesting day as we saw a large variety of animals and were informed about their habits and, for some, their sad history. When they are ready they are released into the wild. Instead of writing much more I shall share photos taken by our daughter, Lyn Gilbert.

 Caracul catches meat

A Caracul jumps to catch its meal

Baaboons high in the treeBaboons gather in a tree

Lion gnaws on boneA lion gnaws on a bone

Lion stands still

Lionesses waiting for their lunch

Caracul bares teeth

A Caracul bares its teeth

Cheetah climbs out of the tree

A Cheetah in a tree

 Cheetahs waiting

These Cheetah just want their lunch

Cheetah catches the meat

Good catch

Mother baby baboon

Mother and baby Baboon

Lion leaves with meat

This is mine!

A Wild DogA Wild Dog anticipates Lunch