In our 97 days travelling around the world we had fun learning and discovering all sorts of interesting, strange and essential needs.

The day after we left Easo on Lifou Island we arrived at Tadine on Maré another island in New Caledonia.

There were just 2 ports of call left before we arrived in Sydney, both in French New Caledonia.

There were just 2 ports of call left before we arrived in Sydney, both in French New Caledonia.

Just 30 days and then we are up, up and away to Lisbon, Portugal where we will spend a week on the first leg of our 3-month trip.

As I begin this blog we have reached the countdown and today signifies we have just 117 days to ‘lift-off’ from King Shaka Airport to Lisbon, Portugal. 117 days may seem like plenty of time but, according to my Planning Page, there is still so much to be done.